WP 4 : Developing trainings

Following on the work carried out in Work Packages (WPs) 1, 2 and 3, this group is setting its sights on creating ambitious training programmes for students and rail professionals hoping to make their mark on Europe’s mobility paradigm. Together, they are mapping the main education providers’ – both Vocation, Education and Training (VET) and higher education – existing programmes and courses across the EU that provide final certifications and/or diplomas in rail. WP 4 is also identifying and evaluating common Qualification Standards (QS), assessing existing programmes based on the abovementioned WPs’ analysis of needed skills and designing new or complimentary curricula to give students and professionals the skills they need to push rail to the next level.

 This group is creating the courses that will allow rail to thrive in the years to come. Their work will focus on providing pathways that will provide students the capacities needed to manufacture cutting-edge rail products, operate and maintain them and be equipped to utilise the ICT skills required for the digitalisation of our sector – ranging from the Internet of Things to (big) data analytics and cybersecurity.
